Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Assignment#4 Exterior Architecture

Vertical vanishing point. Downtown Glendive.

Horizontal vanishing point. Downtown Glendive.

No visible vanishing point. Downtown Glendive.
Vertical lines parallel to the picture plane.

Framed composition. Downtown Glendive.
So like Bridgett's, I tried for another.

Framed composition. Downtown Glendive.

Repeating pattern. Downtown Glendive.

Classic neon. Downtown Glendive.

Two point perspective. Downtown Glendive.

Architectural embellishment. Downtown Glendive. 

Night architecture. Scene from my backyard.

Night  architecture. Scene from my backyard.

Choice because I had trouble choosing.

Choice. Poor baby bird and it's still February.
Downtown Glendive.

Choice. Continuing saga of the railroad. Downtown Glendive.