Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Assignment #2

 Req #1: Freeze the action. My daughter throwing fresh snow in the air.
 Req #2: Blurring foreground: Farmers field on the Sidney Hwy. I was in a semi. This is through the window of the truck.
 Req #2: Blurring foreground: Cows in a field in ND. Taken from inside of a semi truck.
 Req #3: Blurring background. Sign in Watford City ND. Sign is clear, background is not.
 Req #3: Blurring background: fisheye mirror on semi is clear, background is not.
 Req 2 & 3: Took this on Sunday morning--ice crystals on top of my father-in-laws car. Both the foreground and background are blurred. I thought this was SO cool!
 Req #4: Action with a burst. Girl at gymnastics. Doing a flip and landing.
Assignment part 2/you decide. I love pictures of old cool buildings. I'm not sure what's more impressive: that this old building is still standing (do you know how hard the wind can blow across those fields!?), or that this picture came out like it did, as my husband and I were whizzing past it in a semi down the highway?