Thursday, April 11, 2013

Assignment 10 Animals


Up Close-Rusty in a close up shot.

Setting- The setting is the dog kennel.

Uncommon Perspective- This shot is taken from lying    
underneath of Rusty.

Dramatic Lighting: Natural Lighting- Rusty at 3:00 pm.

Action- Rusty jumping up on my fiancé Gary.

Action- Rusty getting back to all fours after jumping up on Gary.

My Choice- This is my dog Rusty. We found him in a snow bank in the middle of winter
too young to leave his mother. We nurtured him into a healthy pup. He understands Spanish and English commands and wipes his feet when he comes in the house. He also opens the door if you don't open it in time. He is a wonderful dog and I couldn't have asked for a better pet!!!